
World Up + 400 Talented Students at TEDYouth + Young Guru = Magic!

BY , November 28, 2012

Last week, WU was invited to bring our Living Remix Project to TEDYouth. In the span of an hour, World Up’s Interactive Music Director, the amazing Spazecraft, and his team brought dozens of students from all over NYC together to create a musical narrative for the day. We asked students to tell and show us how TEDYouth inspired them through their words and beats. We had amazing young producers and beatsmiths, eloquent slam poets, verbal engineers (aka MCs), and rapturous singers. We had harmony, melody, and most of all some great bass. When they went back to hear more talks Spazecraft took all of that energy and excitement and edited together a beautiful little track the showcased all of that creativity and excitement. ( a challenge in itself given that so many amazing students contributed) Here it is:

After we were done we sent the track out to Young Guru who while on tour in Europe had some time to play around with it and come up with his own mix. You can listen to and download it here: tedtalks (the Young Guru Mix)

Look for more remixes from JBoogie, King Britt, and Rich Medina in the coming weeks.


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